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Sustainable Threads – Exploring Eco-Conscious Fashion and Mindful Living

"Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal" - PURAKAI

"Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal"

"Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal" - PURAKAI

"Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal"

There's a temptation when creating a business to be different, to be new and original, but is that the best idea? The wheel is a pretty solid invention, does it really need to be reinvented? Or can...

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Success is my only Mother F***** Option, Failures Not

Eminem says: Look.. if you had one shot, or one opportunity, to seize everything you ever wanted... in one moment, would you capture it.. or just let it slip?

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Dad I've Trained My Whole Life For This

I've spent most of my life surfing, when I saw this video for the first time I was in awe, absolute and complete awe. No one thought this wave could, or would be makeable. Times have changed, as mo...

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"The Ocean is our Playground" - PURAKAI

"The Ocean is our Playground"

Before dinner I was talking with a friend about the band Marcy Playground, he's going to see them tomorrow night here in San Diego. Interestingly we didn't know each other at the time but we had bo...

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Branding, Business Name & Visual Identity (logo) - PURAKAI

Branding, Business Name & Visual Identity (logo)

What does branding encompass?According to Cairril Design and Marketing in their articleBranding 101, branding is the sum total of every experience people have with your company and includes:..

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Social Responsibility, Authenticity & 50 Shades of Green - PURAKAI

Social Responsibility, Authenticity & 50 Shades of Green

After my conversation with the seal, my thought was PuraKai should be a Socially Responsibile Green business, with values and ethics related to producing products that lessen the impact on the envi...

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PuraKai - Taking the Next Step - PURAKAI

PuraKai - Taking the Next Step

Have you ever had an idea and then ruminated on the idea for hours, days, or even years? Never knowing if the idea was a good idea, a wishful idea beyond your capabilities, or something you could n...

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My Conversation with a Seal - PURAKAI

My Conversation with a Seal

Yesterday I decided to leave my office to get some exercise and soak up some Vitamin D. After looking at the surf and talking with friends about the visibility and prospects of spearing some fish, ...

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