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The 4 Main Differences Between Synthetic Fabrics & Organic Cotton

synthetic cotton vs natural cotton

The 4 Main Differences Between Synthetic Fabrics & Organic Cotton

In recent years there has been a huge controversy in regards of the use of oil derived products and their impact on the environment, while these products have helped develop the type of society and economy of abundance (for some) we enjoy today, it has left others without opportunities in life and have also caused irreversible damage to the planet.

One of the many products derived from oil and manufactured through chemical manipulation is synthetic fabric and it is also one of the many products contributing to damage the environment. A switch to natural and organic fabrics and products is urgent and necessary because we are already living the consequences.

Here is a list of the main differences between synthetic fabrics and organic cotton. We hope these will make you understand that switching to organic products is not a matter of trend, it’s a matter of safety.

    1.Synthetic fabric do not degrade easily, organic cotton does

Synthetic fabrics do not degrade easily and ultimately end up in landfills and oceans, causing long term damage to the environment and disturbing food chains.

Have you ever heard about the Great Pacific garbage patch? These are gyres with high concentration of plastic debris that get trapped in the ocean by the currents of the North Pacific gyre. Most of the debris is microscopic or small particles suspended in the upper water of column and it is estimated to be as big as the size or Texas.

However, there are some places such as Malarrimo in the South Baja Peninsula, which is popularly known as ‘’the world’s landfill’’ because all world’s trash ends up in that spot, and this trash is not microscopical. Or the case of Kamilo beach in Hawaii, which is a known for its accumulation of plastic marine debris in which thousands of species are dying due to plastic ingestion.

Petroleum manufactured fabrics are as harmful as any other petroleum derived product, and this without going into details of the toxic chemicals used in the making. Natural organic fabrics such as cotton are easily degradable and they doesn’t interfere or harm the environment.

    2.Organic cotton doesn’t damage the environment

Organic cotton is environmentally friendly. As an example, the cultivation of organic cotton doesn’t use harmful chemicals or pesticides, on the opposite side, synthetic fabrics that come from petroleum use chemicals in the manufacturing process and it is known that the big textile corporates also fund mining and oil industries, which are the two industries that are known to cause most damage to the environment.

Organic cotton doesn’t use harmful chemicals or sludge in the cultivation, which reduces the exposure to toxins from these sources which your body can not easily get rid of.

    3. Organic cotton uses original cotton seeds

Unlike genetically engineered cotton, commonly known as Bt Cotton, produced by Monsanto in which a toxin is inserted into the cotton seed to resist certain types of plagues, turning the cotton plant toxic to some species and also harmful to humans, organic cotton does not use genetically engineered  seeds, organic cotton uses natural cotton plants which are naturally evolved over millions of years in harmony with the nature which, unlike genetically modified plants, do not disturb the natural balance of natural gene pool.

The term ‘natural fabric’ used by many big textile corporations is only a blind they use to get to sell more, a marketing tool, and sometimes even so called ‘natural cotton’ can be completely synthetic.

    4. Organic cotton opens economical opportunities for everyone

The sad truth about the economic system in which we’re living nowadays is that it leaves little to no chance for small businesses to grow and this of course, includes farmers.

Genetically engineered cotton is completely patented preventing farmers from planting their own seed which is a tool used by big corporations to control the money flow through exploiting a basic human need as clothing.

Organic cotton opens the door to natural farming and helps the economy without affecting the environment. We hope this information was helpful and hope that it encourages you to start making the switch to what’s best for your happiness and your health.



Made using sustainable materials and organic cotton.

synthetic cotton vs natural cotton