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The 7 Biggest Threats to Our Oceans: Threat #5 Mercury Pollution in our Oceans - PURAKAI

The 7 Biggest Threats to Our Oceans: Threat #5 Mercury Pollution in our Oceans

The 7 Biggest Threats to Our Oceans: Threat #5 Mercury Pollution in our Oceans - PURAKAI

The 7 Biggest Threats to Our Oceans: Threat #5 Mercury Pollution in our Oceans

Look at any seafood guide and you're bound to come across the occasional red flag with an ominous warning: “High in Mercury.” Scary enough, but what exactly does that mean? Just how is mercury wind...

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The 7 Biggest Threats to Our Ocean: Threat #6 The Garbage Patch - PURAKAI

The 7 Biggest Threats to Our Ocean: Threat #6 The Garbage Patch

AKA “The Great Pacific Garbage Patch”. Great, as in big, not as in good. As the global population expands, so does the amount of trash we produce. Ever wonder where is all goes? A large portion of ...

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